If you are a Momentum client, you’ve likely also been reaping great benefits from Momentum Multiply – providing that you’re earning the points required each year to maintain or improve your rewards level. There has unfortunately been great uncertainty in recent months around what is happening to Multiply and all your prior effort, going into 2024. Too much talk of changes and Multiply falling away but not much information… Until now! 🙂
Multiply remains as the benefit company for Momentum health and the Multiply Premier product remains as is (if you like) for at least another year. In the coming year, we’ve been told that you can even maintain the link and benefits from Multiply in terms of your short term and life cover policies but these two groups are also ready to take on individuals who may only have 1 product type with Momentum, to look after their benefit needs as well.
While I can’t get into the full details on the new products here, I can confirm that they aren’t simply dropping everyone. In fact, you get one last chance to make a marked impact on your life cover cost if you dig deep in the next month. The results you attain in your Fitness and Health assessments before the end of this year, play a MASSIVE role in what you pay for Momentum life cover in years to come. This should be your biggest motivation in Multiply history to work hard and attain the best possible results before the holidays kick-off because they are locking in benefits related to THIS 2023 test for years to come! JMPhysio has offered the Momentum Multiply Fitness Assessment since 2020, will continue doing so into the new year and specifically, heading into the festive season to give everyone a chance to reap those final points and fill 2024 and beyond with more savings and rewards.
As we had realised in 2022, Multiply has also become aware that people are weary of attaining poor results, and rather avoid the test than using it as motivation – not only for points and financial benefits but for longevity, knowing what might help you to feel better in your own skin and ultimately getting to enjoy more years of priceless experiences with those you cherish. Don’t shy away from any potential disappointment or embarrassment – this test is for you and your benefit and while we can advise on was to maintain or improve the results, we’ll never judge someone for wanting to know more about their functional capacity (or looking for improved finances and rewards)
In case you’ve never done this test and you need some direction on your efforts before coming in, the information below will assist:
The assessment consists of 3 components, reviewed in relation to your age and gender:
- Body composition rated out of 25 (*N/A during pregnancy or 6 months thereafter)
- Muscle strength rated out of 25
- Cardiorespiratory fitness rated out of 50
The 3 categories are totalled to give your score out of 100 and indicates the level you’ve attained:
- Level 1 = 0 – 29
- Level 2 = 30 – 54
- Level 3 = 55 – 69
- Level 4 = 70 – 85
- Level 5 = 86 – 100
This approach means that you have 3 areas which you can work on to improve your benefits through multiply and more importantly, your overall health.
Our general tips to improve body composition are to regularly eat vegetables as the bulk of your meals, while specifically limiting excessive oils, sugars, and alcohol intake. Have protein and complex carbohydrates in moderation. This may be easier said than done but it helps to let those close to you in on your plan to stay motivated.
Improving muscle strength can be very structured, aiming to complete 1 or 2 more push-ups, deadlifts or pull-ups every 2-3 days or to simply include a few natural activities into your daily routine: Crawling with your child (harder than it sounds!!!), rolling out dough, watering plants from a watering can, digging in the garden, pruning the shrubs, carrying grocery bags (no trolleys allowed) to the car… the options are endless!
Improving Cardiorespiratory fitness happens through regularly being slightly or moderately out of breath for 10-60 minutes or more. This can also be through a structured exercise program like climbing up and down a high step repeatedly (similar to the S-Step in the assessment) or incorporated into your daily activities: Parking at the far end of the parking lot (comfy shoes recommended!), always using the stairs, crawling or digging as mentioned above, walking as a family each day while catching up on the day’s events and including an additional uphill every few days/weeks as you start seeing improvements.
We’re all at different places in our lives but making a few tweaks suited to your current habits (especially in the next month but definitely thereafter as well) may go a long way in helping you feel better, live healthier, have more fun and as a bonus, reap more benefits from Momentum Multiply.
Your health and physical wellbeing should be a priority deserving of quality care. Make sure to discuss any concerns you may have directly with your preferred physiotherapist, so that you can receive the appropriate guidance for your unique situation.