The spread of the COVID-19 (Corona) virus has many people worried about physical contact with others. But there is no need to have this interfere with your physiotherapy requirements. Here’s why…
As you may already know, physiotherapists are well-versed in infection control and as a bonus, our most common and most effective treatment options are:
- Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy
- Pain Neuroscience Education
- Exercise Therapy
These approaches involve very little if any physical contact and can as such, also be used in virtual consultations, on platforms typically utilised for video conferencing (this follows the allowance from the HPCSA in April 2020). Research over decades have shown how much more effective and long-lasting these approaches can be in addressing pain and dysfunction and we have therefore, long before Corona, started moving away from the old-fashioned treatments which rely so heavily on massage and machines.
Our consultations in the rooms should carry no increased risk to your health as we have excellent ventillation from all the open windows in the rooms and we adhere strictly to infection control guidelines. Furthermore, the regulations around masks, coughing into elbows, hand washing and general personal hygiene recommended to the public, applies in our rooms as well. Infection control is made a priority for any medical practitioner from day one, so please rest assured, this is not new to us and for the more concerned individuals, we’ll continue offering the option of online consultations for as long as what the HPCSA allows it.
Standard procedure at JMPhysio for now:
- You’ll receive documents, including a health declaration, to be completed before your appointment. Please return these via email.
- We sanitize the counter, door handles and other high-contact areas before and after each appointment.
- No additional friends/family members will be permitted except for children below the age of 12.
- Access to the rooms will be allowed after your temperature has been taken and confirmed to be below 37.5
- All patients are given hand sanitizer to disinfect their hands upon arrival – this is not optional.
- Masks are to be worn throughout. Please remember this is not for your own safety but rather, for everyone else.
- Our plinths are currently covered in plastic. Please feel free to bring 2 towels to increase your comfort.
- Should you realise that you’ve touched your face while here, best tell us (repeatedly as needed) – you’re welcome to wash your hands in the consultation rooms.
- All patients are given hand sanitizer to disinfect their hands before leaving.
- To further minimize unnecessary contact, we prefer patients to settle their accounts via EFT but the card machine is available if really needed.
What if you’re isolated or quarantined?
- Our online consultations will be perfectly suited to a person in quarantine or who is self-isolating
- This may be a new concept to South Africans but the approach is evidence based and not uncommon in other contries.
- Should you have any questions, please feel free to email me and we’ll gladly provide answers and additional information in this regard.
Your health and physical wellbeing should be a priority deserving of quality care. Make sure to discuss any concerns, pain or infection-related, you may have directly with your preferred physiotherapist, so that you can receive the appropriate guidance for your unique situation.