What if physiotherapy isn’t what you need?

What if physiotherapy isn’t what you need?

Many patients mention on arrival that they weren’t sure if they should start with a doctor or a physiotherapist for their [musculoskeletal] pain. You can all assume what my answer is to that but let me explain why. Physiotherapists are “first line” practitioners. The...

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What is causing your shoulder pain?

What is causing your shoulder pain?

Until we answer this question, treating the pain will be a hit and miss and considering the number of conditions which may cause shoulder pain, more often than not, it will be a ‘miss’! We can make many (potentially incorrect) assumptions: Older people are more likely...

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5 Reasons why Padel tennis is bad for you

5 Reasons why Padel tennis is bad for you

Well, its not all bad but there are a few things to consider, so since I’ve got your attention, here it is!   “Action” sports are usually popular because it offers something for everyone. Low skilled players get extra chances because the ball doesn’t go out as...

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How to make an informed treatment decision

How to make an informed treatment decision

Now and then I receive a message asking for a session of dry needling or the price thereof. For some reason, it happens far more with this invasive treatment method than any other, and it leaves me wondering where the relationship between informed consent and patient...

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Does delaying surgery cause more damage?

Does delaying surgery cause more damage?

I’m always exceptionally grateful and proud of the person when I am asked this. We are well past the point where medical professionals hold all the cards, and patients should have the opportunity to make a truly informed decision, especially on major procedures. It is...

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Are you quietly suffering from burn-out?

Are you quietly suffering from burn-out?

There has been an increased awareness around mental health of late, and that’s a solid step in the right direction, but I’m concerned that we talk about the concept rather than the individual exposure and resultant weight quietly being borne by ourselves, our friends...

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Momentum Multiply beyond 2023

Momentum Multiply beyond 2023

If you are a Momentum client, you’ve likely also been reaping great benefits from Momentum Multiply – providing that you’re earning the points required each year to maintain or improve your rewards level. There has unfortunately been great uncertainty in recent months...

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An exciting way to identify root causes

An exciting way to identify root causes

I realise that I may be preaching to the converted, but I have often heard the Physiotherapy profession accused of being expensive and not offering much value. After qualifying and along the years since then, I have personally also wondered at times (especially when a...

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How to get your tendon through an “overuse injury”

How to get your tendon through an “overuse injury”

Pinched nerves often cause symptoms which very closely mimic that of “overuse injuries". But we still see unrelenting cases of “overuse” injuries which aren’t caused by pinched nerves, so what are we to do? You may be interested to know that overuse injuries (also...

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Resting and icing an injury is the worst thing you can do

Resting and icing an injury is the worst thing you can do

It may sound surprising that icing and resting an injury would typically not be in your best interest. But this type of advice belongs in the past and modern research has disclosed a much better approach. We never had much evidence to support R. I. C. E. (Rest. Ice....

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3 Reasons why your pain keeps flaring up

3 Reasons why your pain keeps flaring up

Recurring pain is a source of much distress which only gets amplified when your best efforts do not seems to work permanently. The answer may lie deeper than you think. As a follow on from the recent article on this topic, we know that despite getting the correct...

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How to hack the myth of ‘core stability’

How to hack the myth of ‘core stability’

‘Core stability’ is something that by now, we all believe we should have and most likely you still do not have enough of – neither do I. The ‘core’ is believed to be anything from controlling muscles throughout the entire body, to stomach muscles, pelvic floor...

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